2018年 研究業績

【 著書・総説 】

  1. T.Kaisho and S. Akira. 2018. Principles of innate immunity, in Seventh Edition Rheumatology vol.1 (edited by Marc C. Hochberg, Alan J. Silman, Josef S. Smolen, Michael E. Weinblatt. Michael H. Weisman). P127-133. (MOSBY , ELSEVIER, 1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1800, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899, USA)
  2. 小笹俊哉、改正恒康. 2018. XCR1+樹状細胞による腸管免疫制御機構. 医学のあゆみ 265(13):1241-1247  The roles of XCR1+ dendritic cells in intestinal homeostasis.

【 原著 】

  1. S. Yamazaki, M. Odanaka, A. Nishioka, S. Kasuya, H. Shime, H. Hemmi, M. Imai, D. Riethmacher, T. Kaisho, N. Ohkura, S. Sakaguchi and A. Morita. 2018. Ultraviolet B-induced maturation of CD11b-Type langerin? dendritic cells controls the expansion of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the skin. J Immunol. 200:119-129.
  2. Smita Gopinath, Myoungjoo Kim, Tasfia Rakib, Patrick Wong, Michael Van Zandt, Natasha Barry, Tsuneyasu Kaisho, Andrew Goodman, and Akiko Iwasaki. 2018. Topical application of aminoglycoside antibiotics enhances host resistance to viral infections in a microbiota-independent manner. Nat Microbiol 3(5):611-621.
  3.  H. Kayama, M. Kohyama, D. Okuzaki, D. Motooka, S. Barman, R. Okumura, M. Muneta, K. Hoshino, I. Sasaki, W. Ise, H. Matsuno, J. Nishimura, T. Kurosaki, S. Nakamura, H. Arase, T. Kaisho, K. Takeda. 2018. Heme ameliorates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis through providing intestinal macrophages with noninflammatory profiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 115:8418-8423.

【 学会・研究会・セミナー 】

  1. T. Kaisho 2018.6.8 Critical functions of a dendritic cell subset expressing a chemokine receptor, XCR1. Seminar at Mainz University (Mainz Germany)
  2. T. Kaisho 2018.6.10-14 Immune regulation by a dendritic cell subset expressing a chemokine receptor, XCR1. 15th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells(Aachen, Germany)
  3. 改正恒康、邊見弘明、小笹俊哉 2018.5.31-6.3皮膚科医に知っていただきたい樹状細胞の機能的および病理的意義. 第117回日本皮膚科学会総会 リーガロイヤルホテル広島 広島
  4. 改正恒康、邊見弘明、金澤伸雄、加藤喬、稲葉豊、小笹俊哉 2018.7.11-7.12 プロテアソーム関連自己炎症性症候群のマウスモデル. 第39回日本炎症・再生学会 京王プラザホテル 東京